On our most recent federal holiday, us federal employees decided that an afternoon at the beach sounded great! John and Jessica met Andy and me there to play some Canasta and just enjoy the perfect weather. Jessica's goal the whole game was to pick up the discard pile and, finally, the last hand, she picked it up not once, not twice, but THREE whole times! Oh, the points that she racked up! :) It was just completely delightful.

After our card game, the breeze decided to come around which was perfect because Andy and I still had to go on our sunset run! That moment - running on the soft sand with my favorite man in the whole world, watching the sun sink lower and lower, hearing the waves crash and seeing the tide slowly rise... it was one of those that I will always remember and enjoy.
On the way home we got an iced chai tea latte to split, and my happiness meter went through the roof. :) Oh, and the gerber daisies that were on the table from Andy helped too. Wow! Thank you God, for this wonderful life.